3 Reasons for Patients to Add Chia Seeds to Their Diet

Chia seeds have often been called a "superfood" - but are they really that good for you?

Yes! Chia seeds can be a great addition to a patient's diet, especially if they are looking for healthier alternatives to common breakfast items like pastries or sugar-filled yogurts. It can even be used to make a delicious pudding that can be eaten for dessert!  

Chia seeds swell quickly after absorbing liquid. Patients with difficulty swallowing or other digestive issues should be cautioned to eat chia seeds with care.

Here are 3 reasons to recommend chia seeds to your patients:

  • Excellent source of fiber

    • Absorb sugar slower and feel full longer

    • Great for your intestines and regular bowel movements

  • Rich in omega-3 fatty acids

    • Positive effects on the heart

    • Can decrease cardiovascular disease

  • Easy to use

    • Can be added to water to create a gel that can go in smoothies or soups

    • Can be mixed with milk to make a delicious pudding that can be eaten for breakfast like yogurt or oatmeal or as a dessert.


Here is an easy chia seed pudding recipe to share with your patients or make yourself! Try making it at night to have a quick, nutritious breakfast ready in the morning.



  • 1 can coconut milk

  • 1/2 cup chia seeds

  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon


  • Mix coconut milk, maple syrup, vanilla extract and cinnamon in a jar or sealable container.

  • Whisk in chia seeds.

  • Cover and leave in refrigerator overnight (stir a few times during the first hour to help it gel smoothly)

  • Eat it with your favorite toppings. Try berries, bananas, shredded coconut, granola or nuts.