Why You Should Be Talking to Your Patients About Nutrition
/Poor nutrition is largely associated with most chronic diseases. Pharmacists shouldn't be afraid to ask patient's about their diet. It's a huge factor in their health outcomes so it should definitely be a part of any counseling session, especially for someone newly diagnosed with hypertension, dyslipidemia or diabetes. As a health care provider with frequent access to patients, you can easily made an impact on your patient's health by educating them about nutrition and helping them make healthier food choices.
Eating habits can be a sensitive topic, so start slow. Ask the patient what they are interested in changing and go from there. I like to focus on the basics:
Drinking more water and/or drinks with less sugar - This can be an easy game-changer diabetic patients.
Adding more fruits and vegetables to their diet - Find out what fruits or vegetables they do like and encourage them to start by eating more of those.
Limiting fried/processed foods - These usually have the most salt, sugar, and fat.
Patients trust pharmacists' opinions and listen to their advice. Making it a point to reinforce the importance of healthier eating habits can really make a difference in your patient's lives!
Check out this great article in Pharmacy Today for more information.